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Oak Crest Honors Resident Ki Kent for Board Service

October 14, 2015
Parkville, MD—On October 1, Ronald "Ki" Kent was recognized for his thirteen years of service on the Oak Crest Village, Inc. Board of Directors.
During a ceremony held on October 1, the Erickson Living retirement community dedicated a park bench donated by the Board in his honor that will be placed in the campus courtyard.  Mr. Kent retired from his Board membership earlier this year.
The plaque on the bench reads:
"In thankful recognition of Oak Crest's first resident Board Member Ronald "Ki" Kent from 2002-2015, and his wife Dolores for letting him take the time away."
Jim Anders serves as the Board Chairman.  He attended the dedication along with residents, employees and fellow Board Members.
"With his robust professional background and perspective as a resident, I would like to thank Ki for his commitment to our mission," stated Mr. Anders during the event.  "As our first resident member of the Board, Ki guided us, inspired us and truly helped to make Oak Crest the success it is in our twentieth year of helping people live better lives." 
Mr. Kent retired in 1988 after forty-plus years of service with the Bell System, holding multiple management positions and specializing in accounting and information systems.  Now retired, he volunteers  for the Baltimore County Department of Aging.
Effective July 1, Oak Crest resident Barbara Zorn was appointed to fill Mr. Kent's director position.
About Oak Crest:  Oak Crest is one of eighteen continuing care retirement communities managed by Erickson Living.  Located in Parkville, Maryland the scenic 87-acre campus is home to more than 2,100 residents.  Oak Crest is the ideal greater Baltimore retirement destination offering a true sense of community, convenience beyond compare and a sensible financial structure. 
Standing left to right are Gary Hibbs (Executive Director), Mr. Kent, Stephanie Reel (Board Member) and Jim Anders (Board Chair); seated is Mr. Kent's wife, Dolores.